
Cell Tower Pre-construction Site Assessments and Audits

Perform detailed site condition and inventory assessments using digital twins and AI

Streamline Pre-Construction Site Assessments

In the telecom industry, pre-construction site assessments and audits are essential to update outdated records and assess the actual current condition of RAD (Radio Antenna Device) centers before project initiation. This process, typically carried out by carriers or their contractors, involves gathering detailed information on the current state of the existing cell tower, or tower site for new construction, to ensure the project is accurately scoped prior to project commencement. Aerial drones are used to capture the detailed imagery needed to build 3D Digital Twin pointcloud models of cell towers and sites, which includes all current site conditions for comprehensive, contextual review.

Update Records and Site Conditions Using 3D Digital Twins

One of the primary goals of pre-construction site assessments is to rectify any inaccuracies in existing records, as outdated or incorrect information can lead to costly mistakes or delays in construction projects. Optelos provides reliable and intuitive access to all data required to streamline cell tower pre-construction site assessment and audit tasks, from building and analyzing 3D Digital Twin models to customizable dashboards tied to your workflows. All relevant information is organized and readily accessible at the site level, tying in to future cell tower inspections and saving time and reducing the need for followup site visits to verify details or gather missing information.

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“8 Ways to Optimize Drone Asset Inspections: Optelos Puts Together Lessons Learned from Enterprise Clients”

“Optelos has been critical in our PIM mitigation project by identifying issues from the desktop and allowing us to share large, detailed 3D models with our distributed turf vendors in real-time to come to agreement and make decisions immediately. We’ve cut our required onsite time by more than 50%.”

Manager, Tier 1 Telecom Provider
Pre-construction site assessment

Pre-Construction Data Management

Utilize Digital Twins and inspection imagery to verify current asset conditions and site status prior to contracted installations. Drill into 3D models to validate asset details. View all relevant data in context, speeding cross-functional team analysis. Avoid return trips to the site by having a complete, high resolution 3D model for remote inspection, and all other required and relevant data organized by site:

  • View drone cell tower inspection data in visual context by geolocating and associating construction drawings, RFDS, and antenna spec sheets directly onto 3D Digital Twin models.
  • Drill into 3D models and inspection imagery to evaluate cell tower platforms, antennas, ground structures, compound walkthrough, perimeter security fencing, shelter walkthroughs, shed power availability, and documentation. 

    Compare As-Built to CAD Drawings

    Use highly accurate 3D point cloud digital twin models to compare actual equipment placement, azimuths, distances and skew to engineering CAD drawings to determine planned vs as-built conditions.

    • Compare CAD design documents to actual 3D models of as-built cell towers side-by-side to identify deviations from plans. 
    • Quickly detect and flag design issues, discrepancies, and build requirements before they are service impacting.
    EHS software for manufacturing

    Let Optelos help with the digital transformation of your cell tower inspection and maintenance programs to generate immediate ROI and worker productivity benefits to your organization. Need more information? Complete the “Request a Demo” contact form and let us know how we can help.